There are many jobs that require prior mentoring to be able to carry them out and that knowledge, which are ultimately data, is not being treated in the right way to be able to implement a training model within a company.
Based on this problem, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality have emerged as two resources that, together, make up for a great gap for the training of employees within a company that needs a transfer of knowledge.
Transforming the intangible into tangible
Artificial Intelligence makes feasible the challenge of being able to transmit knowledge that has already been acquired based on time and experience. In addition, it does so within a training standard, which is why we say that it transforms the intangible into tangible.
Through different Machine Learning techniques and optimal data collection, it is possible to create fully prepared software to teach the sufficient knowledge that a person needs to carry out the work in a given position.
What is involved in this whole process?
Data collection: Data is the raw material that any artificial intelligence needs to function, in the case of this type of education the data is obtained through experience, for this, Experience API or X-API technology is used.
Teaching that Artificial Intelligence: All intelligence needs a learning process to give the expected result, in this case it is done through Machine Learning. Machine Learning is a discipline that gives systems the ability to identify data patterns and develop predictive models, thus understanding how, in this case, a task works within a company.
Uniting artificial intelligence and Virtual Reality: It is this process that makes these advances really useful and applicable. Virtual Reality allows you to create an environment fully adapted to the process itself that you want to teach or represent. It also allows the gamification of teaching and to transmit knowledge timelessly to anyone.
Has it been carried out?
We are not talking about prophecies, in Ingubu we have already made projects of these characteristics a reality where the intangible has been transformed into tangible, and the tangible into teachable. We talked about our success story Education & Training where from the first minute we have been involved in the creation of an intelligent personalized learning environment based on Machine Learning and Virtual Reality techniques.